Course curriculum

  • 1

    Course Information (free preview)

  • 2

    Course Introduction

    • Welcome

    • How to use this course

    • Before starting the course - IMPORTANT

  • 3

    Chapter 1 - Intro to Coral, Reefs, and Their Importance

    • Introduction

    • What is a Coral?

    • Polyp Morphology Workshop

    • Quick Quiz!

    • Importance of Coral Reef Ecosystems

    • Quick Quiz!

    • Reefs are in crisis

    • Global Stressors

    • Local Stressors

    • Quick Quiz!

  • 4

    Chapter 2 - Coral Identification

    • Introduction

    • Types of Corals

    • Hard corals or soft corals quiz

    • Hard Corals Identification

    • Acropora or non-acropora hard corals quiz

    • Hard Coral Growth Forms- Acropora

    • Hard Coral Growth Forms - Non-Acropora

    • Growth Forms Video

    • Growth Forms Quiz

    • Impacts Identification

    • Impacts Quiz

  • 5

    Chapter 3 - Coral Restoration Theory

    • Introduction

    • What is Reef Restoration

    • Why Coral Garden? Video

    • Background Knowledge

    • Background Knowledge Quiz

    • Corals of Opportunity

    • Corals of Opportunity Quiz

  • 6

    Chapter 4 - Coral Restoration Methodology

    • Introduction

    • Coral Gardening Methods - Coral Nursery

    • Coral Nursery Video

    • Coral Gardening Methods - Artificial Structures

    • Artificial Structure Video

    • Coral Gardening Methods - Outplanting

    • Outplanting Video

    • Coral Gardening Methods Quiz

    • Skills, Techniques and Tools

    • Monitoring and Maintaining Restoration Projects

    • Monitoring and Maintenance Video

    • Techniques, Monitoring and Maintenance Quiz

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    Chapter 5 - Reduce Your Impact On Reefs

    • Introduction

    • Carbon Footprint

    • Environmental Footprint

    • Footprints quiz

    • Good Diving Practices

    • Good Buoyancy Practices

    • Good Diving Practices and Buoyancy Video

    • Good Diving Practices and Buoyancy Quiz

  • 8

    Final Exam

    • Final Exam

    • Important Information

  • 9

    Next Steps

    • Next Steps

    • Partner Facilities & Resource Links

    • Did you enjoy the course?