Course curriculum

  • 2

    What Is A Coral?

    • What Is A Coral?

    • Soft Corals & Hard Corals

    • Polyp Morphology

    • What Is A Coral Reef?

    • Quiz!

    • Chapter References

  • 3

    Lifecycle & Reproduction

    • Lifecycle

    • Reproduction

    • Larval Dispersal & Settlement

    • Quiz!

    • Chapter References

  • 4

    Building Reefs

    • From Larvae To A Polyp With A Skeleton

    • Calcification and Ocean Acidification

    • How Do Corals Obtain Their Energy?

    • Quiz!

    • Chapter References

  • 5

    The Coral Holobiont

    • What Is A Holobiont?

    • Bacteria

    • Viruses

    • The Coral Probiotic Hypothesis

    • Zooxanthellae

    • Zooxanthellae: Mechanisms Of Symbiosis

    • Quiz!

    • Chapter References

  • 6


    • What Is Bleaching?

    • Mechanisms Of Bleaching

    • Adaptive Bleaching

    • Regulatory Bleaching, Stress Response & Recovery

    • Quiz!

    • Chapter References

  • 7


    • Disease In Corals

    • Types & Causes of Coral Disease

    • Case Studies

    • Coral Defence Against Infection

    • Quiz!

    • Chapter References

  • 8

    Interventions To Conserve Coral Reefs

    • The Need For Interventions

    • Helping Corals Adapt: Assisted Evolution

    • Can We Treat Disease In Coral?: Microbial Interventions

    • Bleaching Prevention & Recovery: Microbial & Environmental Interventions

    • Quiz!

    • Chapter References

  • 9


    • Summary

    • Further Learning

    • Before You Go